Why do Kambo?
Because life is too short to live in endless cycles of pain.
Because nobody should have to carry emotional burdens forever.
Because trauma and anxiety are things to let go of. not hang on to.
Because everyone deserves to be able to write their next chapter with a clean slate.
If you’re trying to end life long patterns or reinforce new ones.
If you want to see through the smoke and the camoflage of life.
If you want to find the strength to break your cycles and through your own glass ceilings.
If you want to overcome addictions and self destructive behavior with power and confidence.
Then Kambo is for you.
If you want to keep your past from disrupting the present and distorting your future.
If you want to destroy old narratives and write new ones.
If you want to bring the present into focus and let go of the burden of long held resentments and trauma holding you back from moving into the future with clarity and lightness.
Then Kambo is for you.
If you’re doing great already but could use a boost to keep you going.
If you feel at peace and want to maintain homeostasis.
If you’re already on track yet want to live with more intentionality as you walk through life.
Then Kambo is for you.
Hi, I’m Tanje Irene
Since 2016 I have been on my own personal journey with all things plant medicine, self help books galore. Trust me when I say have had my share of ups, downs and all arounds, addictions A to Z, terrible breakups, toxic people, places, and things that were destructive to who I was and who I was trying to become. I WAS LOST, rock bottom after rock bottom. Then on a sunny day in Denver there came the day where “Enough was Enough” that I finally took matters seriously enough to truly take ahold of my life, I found a kambo practitioner, went to a ceremony and the rest is history. making best of my present, I then knew right then “the frog is my friend”. I became Kambo facilitator in 2023 and learned to practice the magic of this medicine. It is my passion to guide others into the same freedom I have found, Anything is possible, everything is tangible, and nothing is ever lost. My life is far from where It was and where I was headed. Today I feel the zest for life, I feel balanced and reacquainted with my BODY, MIND and SOUL.
I don’t have to BLEND IN .
I AM comfortable in my own skin to STICK OUT
And most importantly SEE THE PATTERNS that kept ME, from ME.
And I’m here and ready to serve you same medicine that helped me become myself.